Category: Parenting

  • Gender identity 

    Gender identity 

    My 11 year old daughter asked two girls she didn’t know, who were waiting in front of the bathroom at the conference, if the bathrooms were all occupied. They answered with “this is the girls bathroom”. My daughter only responded with “I know”.  She wanted to cut her hair short to be cool, different, and…

  • Yancey


    At 18 I received a fantastic book from Brian, titled “what’s so amazing about grace”. After the lemudim camp in Valea Draganului, I took the train by myself, I was 19, and traveled to Suceava. I read the whole time. My english was not great and got probably 80% of the book, but I devoured…

  • Urgent matters & saying no to friends

    Urgent matters & saying no to friends

    Two decades ago my brother was telling me about the quadrants of busyness, formed on the axes of important and urgent. Where do you think we spend most time in? And where should we actually focus on?  Important and not urgent. That should fill most of our time. Instead we get so wrapped up in…

  • Responding wisely

    Responding wisely

    We can’t control what people do. We can only control how we respond. It’s not what you think. In my quest to cut things off my endless list, my projects list, my to list, as I succeed pulling away from some things, many flood to take their place. Monday was busy. Busy at the pool.…

  • Burnout creeping in

    Burnout creeping in

    Everyone wants a piece of me. I feel my body tense, trying to shake things off, burdens, pressure, suffocating demands. Even 1st grade homework help needed is distracting me. I think my voice is tense even if I try to cover it up with low tones and softens. The hardness creeps in. The irritation. The…

  • Kid tiredness 

    Kid tiredness 

    Jackie coordinated a sleepover with 5 girls in her class. They got to the age where they make plans and have a mind of their own. I love this stage.  As they talked among themselves they reached the conclusion that Jackie would have most space. She brought it up with me and I said I’ll…

  • Our evening talks

    Our evening talks

    “Mom, when I get in bed, my mind starts to worry about all kinds of things. And I can’t stop my mind. I fear you will die. Who will take care of me? I worry I won’t be able to read. I can’t get away from these thoughts. Can you teach me how to pray?” In the…

  • Ai noștri pentru o vreme

    Ai noștri pentru o vreme

    Trăiesc cu gândul că la un moment dat îmi voi lua rămas bun de la copiii mei. Îmi pregătesc inima să îi văd luându-ți zborul din cuib, cu emoții de bucurie și dor. Eu însămi am plecat devreme de acasă.  Când am semnat actele finale de adopție, mi-a trecut prin minte faptul ca în sfârșit…

  • Parent as a leader. Lead like a parent.

    Parent as a leader. Lead like a parent.

    Imagine starting to work for a gentle boss. Probably a dream in the beginning. Someplace where everything is soft, everything is nice. There is no pain, no gain. Nothing at stake. No real consequences whether you (or your colleagues) deliver or not, you come on time or not. Would you last long there? Would that team…

  • Etnia


    La început de Martie, la ora de educație civică, Doamna Învățătoare a invitat-o pe fiica mea mai mare să își spună povestea. Doar dacă vrea. Adopția nu e un secret acasă, în cartier, în biserică sau la școală. Modul natural în care tratam această parte din povestea noastră a fost transmis ca atare mai departe.…

  • Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Doamna învățătoare Nadia a privit la copiii noștri prin credință și i-a inspirat să se înalțe la standarde la care nici noi n-am sperat cu atâta claritate. Le-a transmis valori solide și curaj că pot. De la devoționalele de dimineață, la responsabilizarea lor pentru teme, proiecte, și ce au de adus la școală a doua…

  • The preference for guidance

    The preference for guidance

    I want to trust that my daughter will be responsible. Yesterday I set the baseline for clarity. I told her I don’t like to be told what to do. I never did. So before I even started school I would anticipate requests, advice, commands, demands. I’d stay one step ahead. That built a reputation for…