Category: Leadership

  • Faith & Politics

    Faith & Politics

    What a sensitive combination of words. Do they go together? In the eve of presidential elections in US and elections everywhere in Europe this year, we bravely or recklessly decided to tackle them together, and get the input of public servants from all over the board, with different affiliations, background & party lines. From different…

  • Urgent matters & saying no to friends

    Urgent matters & saying no to friends

    Two decades ago my brother was telling me about the quadrants of busyness, formed on the axes of important and urgent. Where do you think we spend most time in? And where should we actually focus on?  Important and not urgent. That should fill most of our time. Instead we get so wrapped up in…

  • Responding wisely

    Responding wisely

    We can’t control what people do. We can only control how we respond. It’s not what you think. In my quest to cut things off my endless list, my projects list, my to list, as I succeed pulling away from some things, many flood to take their place. Monday was busy. Busy at the pool.…

  • Two weeks notice

    Two weeks notice

    When we experience burnout we reach a stage of numbness. Like our nerves get literally fried. There is only a smoldering amber left in our burnt offering. Someone said today on a podcast that people reach burnout when they are self-centered. When they make everything about themselves. Those who serve freely are not bound by…

  • Burnout creeping in

    Burnout creeping in

    Everyone wants a piece of me. I feel my body tense, trying to shake things off, burdens, pressure, suffocating demands. Even 1st grade homework help needed is distracting me. I think my voice is tense even if I try to cover it up with low tones and softens. The hardness creeps in. The irritation. The…

  • Presiune de grup

    Presiune de grup

    Am lăsat câteva zile să treacă, să mi se catalizeze emoțiile și să mi se clarifice gândurile. Într-un colectiv drag mie, m-am trezit constrânsă să accept să continui într-un rol de care deja mă detașasem mental. Am simțit ca am alergat cursa întreaga și am ajuns la capăt cu bine. Slavă Domnului. Anxietatea care mă…

  • Our evening talks

    Our evening talks

    “Mom, when I get in bed, my mind starts to worry about all kinds of things. And I can’t stop my mind. I fear you will die. Who will take care of me? I worry I won’t be able to read. I can’t get away from these thoughts. Can you teach me how to pray?” In the…

  • Parent as a leader. Lead like a parent.

    Parent as a leader. Lead like a parent.

    Imagine starting to work for a gentle boss. Probably a dream in the beginning. Someplace where everything is soft, everything is nice. There is no pain, no gain. Nothing at stake. No real consequences whether you (or your colleagues) deliver or not, you come on time or not. Would you last long there? Would that team…

  • Etnia


    La început de Martie, la ora de educație civică, Doamna Învățătoare a invitat-o pe fiica mea mai mare să își spună povestea. Doar dacă vrea. Adopția nu e un secret acasă, în cartier, în biserică sau la școală. Modul natural în care tratam această parte din povestea noastră a fost transmis ca atare mai departe.…

  • Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Doamna învățătoare Nadia a privit la copiii noștri prin credință și i-a inspirat să se înalțe la standarde la care nici noi n-am sperat cu atâta claritate. Le-a transmis valori solide și curaj că pot. De la devoționalele de dimineață, la responsabilizarea lor pentru teme, proiecte, și ce au de adus la școală a doua…

  • MomCo June 2024

    MomCo June 2024

    I struggled with how much credit these women gave me. Being used to low expectations, I worried about finding my comfortable place. But there was something that kept me around. Maybe the seasons of rest, of distance, of absence, they gave me courage to draw near again. It has been obvious to me that I…

  • Lideri MomCo

    Lideri MomCo

    Așa-i ca ți-e oarecum incomod sa te prezinți ca lider?  In România sunt 100 de coordonatori de grupe și peste 1000 de mame care participă la întâlnirile MomCo.  Am crescut foarte repede și e timpul să reflectăm puțin la rolul nostru ca lideri.  “Cine vrea să fie întâi între voi să slujească “ a zis…