Category: Spiritual

  • Faith & Politics

    Faith & Politics

    What a sensitive combination of words. Do they go together? In the eve of presidential elections in US and elections everywhere in Europe this year, we bravely or recklessly decided to tackle them together, and get the input of public servants from all over the board, with different affiliations, background & party lines. From different…

  • Yancey


    At 18 I received a fantastic book from Brian, titled “what’s so amazing about grace”. After the lemudim camp in Valea Draganului, I took the train by myself, I was 19, and traveled to Suceava. I read the whole time. My english was not great and got probably 80% of the book, but I devoured…

  • New MomCo Iris year

    New MomCo Iris year

    In my quest to clear my daily schedule, my mind, my life, I have marked many good programs for termination. I am too emotionally spent to distinguish between them. But I hope I can restart some, if they seem to have been kept on the safe column. I’m not too worried though. I feel that…

  • Two weeks notice

    Two weeks notice

    When we experience burnout we reach a stage of numbness. Like our nerves get literally fried. There is only a smoldering amber left in our burnt offering. Someone said today on a podcast that people reach burnout when they are self-centered. When they make everything about themselves. Those who serve freely are not bound by…

  • Our evening talks

    Our evening talks

    “Mom, when I get in bed, my mind starts to worry about all kinds of things. And I can’t stop my mind. I fear you will die. Who will take care of me? I worry I won’t be able to read. I can’t get away from these thoughts. Can you teach me how to pray?” In the…

  • Bucuria de a adopta

    Bucuria de a adopta

    De când mă știu, doresc să am un domeniu de expertiză. Sistemul nostru școlar ne învață să fim buni la toate, apoi să ne reprofilăm la nevoie, să ne adaptăm. Cel puțin ăsta e mesajul perceput de mine încă din școala primară. Parcă abia devenisem lider în mediul profesional că repede am și intrat în lumea…

  • Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Sfârșit de clasa a IV-a

    Doamna învățătoare Nadia a privit la copiii noștri prin credință și i-a inspirat să se înalțe la standarde la care nici noi n-am sperat cu atâta claritate. Le-a transmis valori solide și curaj că pot. De la devoționalele de dimineață, la responsabilizarea lor pentru teme, proiecte, și ce au de adus la școală a doua…

  • MomCo June 2024

    MomCo June 2024

    I struggled with how much credit these women gave me. Being used to low expectations, I worried about finding my comfortable place. But there was something that kept me around. Maybe the seasons of rest, of distance, of absence, they gave me courage to draw near again. It has been obvious to me that I…

  • Daddy’s role

    Daddy’s role

    Lest we forget Godin the season of abundance. David praised Godwhen things were going great.I find ourselves in a season of laughter.I choose to not be afraidthat this too shall pass.I trust that God is with us nowand through whatever comes,whenever it comes. This middle childhood daysFinding our footingWhile kids find their rhythmAgain and again…

  • The youngest as the only child

    The youngest as the only child

    My brother left for college when I was 14. It changed my life. I was the quiet kid, self aware, peacemaker, never getting into trouble, walking lightly through the house. The four years I spent in the home of my parents without a sibling were transformative. I am very grateful for them. This week Ivy…

  • A doua mamă – Jodi Jackson Tucker

    A doua mamă – Jodi Jackson Tucker

    Un studiu biblic pentru mame adoptive și de plasament Ești “a doua mamă”? Atunci trăiești o viață pe care numai o a doua mamă o poate înțelege. Familia ta este complicată și imperfectă. Ai înțeles. Cea mai mare nevoi a ta este de încurajare, de înțelepciune biblică și de alte mame ca tine.

  • Listen vs watch

    Listen vs watch

    Be not concerned with the fact that kids don’t seem to listen. Rest assured that they are watching. How did I turn out this way? My parents didn’t over explain things to me. I sometime feel like I grew like a stubborn weed alongside them. Evidently they offered some protection and guidance. But they were…