For the blog readers

When I take Rufus for walks in the morning, and I let him run through the grass, I take in the silence and morning sun. My mind is clear so I write down more thoughts on adoption, to be shared over time, in bite-size on facebook, in Romanian.

You now get a sneak-peek.

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About “holding a baby in your arms”
We have no idea where and how our baby traveled thus far, how much was she loved unconditionally, or assured that she will be protected. The need for physical contact is as acute as hunger or the need for sleep and rest. To “prepare” your child for life, you don’t deprive them of sleep or food, do you!

Conrad was a volunteer for 2 years in Sunday school at our church in California. At the 2-3 years old age group there was a recently adopted girl. Her parents had adopted 4 more girls over time, from four different continents, each of them with different personalities and needs. The respective girl, the moment she saw Conrad she would lift her hands up to be picked up and she would just sit in his arms for as long as Sunday school lasted.

Eventually, their buckets fills and they begin to desire and seek independence, and to explore. While I am aware that there are limits of cuddling, I trust my healthy instincts. And anyway, they won’t sit in your arms in high-school.

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More and more couples can’t have children.
The stigma, pity or judgement of these couples have no purpose.

Did you know that the medical reasons for infertility are equally shared between husbands and wives? But this is not relevant either. The husband and wife become one body through marriage. My womb is capable to conceive but God allowed to open my mind and heart to a more adventurous and beautiful plan to become the mother of a child.

Asked in an indiscreet manner if I have kids, I have often been hurt by people with comments like “that’s how young people these days are, they what to have fun instead of having kids” or “you know you are not getting any younger” … speechless.

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For our Christian friends: you yourselves have been adopted. You call God your Father. You receive undeserved gifts. You are not entitled to them but you receive them daily and with abundance. Be that you are aware of it or not.

Were you adopted because you were perfect and the pride of any father? Or because you were pathetic, lost and in need to be saved.

To our agnostic friends, if one day you wake up without hope, with a sense of emptiness, with a thirst for more than the material world seems capable to offer, maybe your soul woke up in need of a Father, in need to be Adopted.