Category: Uncategorized

  • Black and white

    I was re-reading yesterday a “letter to my daughters” I was invited to contribute with for a noteworthy magazine called the woman. I still stand by what I wrote, but I felt so strongly then that a foundation of belief (as in identity and faith) is my most valuable gift. By comparison everything else faded.…

  • Cum să facem bine alor noștri

    Cum să facem bine alor noștri

    Îmi suflec mânecile imaginare și pun masa. Aranjez prânzul copios pe platouri. Toată lumea mulțumită, fericită. Recunoștința tuturor Însă nu mă inspiră. Adică știu că-i bună mâncarea și-i bine primită, dar n-am făcut-o pentru laude și mulțumire. Astea, cum să zic, mă lasă rece. Când cineva se ridică și completează ceea ce fac. Strânge masa.…

  • teologia adopției

    teologia adopției

    Peste tot in Biblie găsim povești de adopție. Însăși Evanghelia răscumpărării noastre ca si creștinii este o poveste de adopție. Noi îl numim pe Dumnezeu, Tatăl Nostru, si intre noi ne numim frați si surori. Suntem împreuna moștenitorii, înfiați prin credință. Adopția însă nu este doar o metafora. Ca și popor al lui Dumnezeu am…

  • A si A’ poem de mama

    In primul sezon rolul de mama m-a împlinit  M-a înflorit. A dat roade.  Mi-a dat un scop. Un loc. O bucurie nespus de mare. Acum, In alt sezon Același rol de mama ma frânge. Ma zdrobește. Stoarce din mine tot mustul Macină grâul, pana la ultimul fir Sa poata pregăti pâine Împărtășirea. Ma țin cu…

  • The apple of my eye

    Have you noticed that there are no pictures of Apple Store employees on social media?  When I got hired by Apple, we were instructed to steer clear from mixing our job with social media. Too easily, things can get out of hand. We were also instructed to never talk to the media and defer any…

  • Wishes and wants

    Wishes and wants

    “I wish you hadn’t changed my name” she says while playing with dolls. Not even looking at me. “I’m sorry.” I respond. She’s heard all the explanations and reasoning before, when she got obsessing about names. Like most 5 year olds with vivid imagination and creative spirit. Thinking of a name for her sister might…

  • Crazy story

    Crazy story

    A couple of days before mom and dad returned to the States, I was doing some research on iTunes credit, for family sharing. I stumbled upon the information that there was a logic board manufacturing defect for iPhones 8 sold about a year ago in USA and a few other continents, except Europe. In March,…

  • On last day of Spring

    On last day of Spring

    My watch buzzes gently next to my pillow. It’s 6:45 am. I’ve been so tired lately. Conrad gets up to take the dog for a short morning walk. Rufus is as excited as ever, waiting at the bottom of our loft stairs. Barely reaching to the third step, he kisses my feet. Jackie breaths deeply…

  • Parking and lawful boundaries

    Parking and lawful boundaries

    In my neighborhood community, I have spoken up on matters of common sense, trying to enlist other people’s common sense. But it backfired. People took (unexpected/unfounded) sides. Words were twisted. Meanness transpired. I still stand by my beliefs, but many moons later, I took a different approach on new matters. I don’t hide behind other’s…

  • Despre lumină, claritate și încredere

    Despre lumină, claritate și încredere

    M-am blocat undeva. Prea conștientă de sine. Intr-un punct paradoxal în care cred ca totul e clar pentru toti, si nimic din ce as spune n-ar fi relevant. Prea de ansamblu mi-e vederea. Încerc din răspunderi sa ma cobor din balonul de aer, aruncând greutăți, micșorând focul. Însă rămân suspendată încă. Sus. Prea sus. Si…

  • An exercise of silence

    An exercise of silence

    Silence comes natural to me. Though the freedom to say nothing at all becomes a luxury in the age of instant connection and social media. Subconsciously I felt I owe the world an update. Yet I had nothing to say. So I said nothing. The more comfortable the embrace of silence became, the more I…

  • Practical skills

    Practical skills

    Miss J had 11 lei she carried around for a while in her handmade green leather wallet. On Monday she couldn’t buy anything from the three stores she visited with daddy. Not enough money? – you just don’t buy anything.  Today she bought a candy from the grocery store and pants from a children’s store.…