Category: Memories

  • Therapeutic retrospection

    Therapeutic retrospection

    The girls wanted to watch old videos of themselves. I indulged a trip to the past that lasted an hour. We nearly peed our pants laughing. We watched videos from their first days with us and the few years later. Them playing, us together and mostly regular life at the apartment. Those first years seemed…

  • Autonomie


    În pofida dificultăților, limitărilor, greșelilor, indisponibilități adulților din viața mea când eram copil, sentimentul de autonomie m-a protejat de percepția ca traumă a evenimentelor din viața mea . Cred până în adâncul ființei mele că: “Pot face ceva. Sunt în control. Nu îmi place situația în care mă găsesc. Schimb ceva.” Mă aud zicând ca…

  • Kid tiredness 

    Kid tiredness 

    Jackie coordinated a sleepover with 5 girls in her class. They got to the age where they make plans and have a mind of their own. I love this stage.  As they talked among themselves they reached the conclusion that Jackie would have most space. She brought it up with me and I said I’ll…

  • Our evening talks

    Our evening talks

    “Mom, when I get in bed, my mind starts to worry about all kinds of things. And I can’t stop my mind. I fear you will die. Who will take care of me? I worry I won’t be able to read. I can’t get away from these thoughts. Can you teach me how to pray?” In the…

  • Etnia


    La început de Martie, la ora de educație civică, Doamna Învățătoare a invitat-o pe fiica mea mai mare să își spună povestea. Doar dacă vrea. Adopția nu e un secret acasă, în cartier, în biserică sau la școală. Modul natural în care tratam această parte din povestea noastră a fost transmis ca atare mai departe.…

  • La cusut.

    La cusut.

    Se lungește tare mult anul școlar. Iar luna Iunie e plină de programări. Examen de clarinet, excursii, poze de clasa a IV-a, vizite la dentist, ieșire la cabana cu clasa, ziua copilului si ziua adopției. Duminica seara Ivy a realizat ca i-s descusuți in fund pantalonii doriți. S-a gândit ca ar fi bine să-i cos.…

  • Exolegacy în românește

    Exolegacy în românește

    Soțul meu a scris anul trecut o carte care mi-a plăcut atât de mult că am tradus-o și am publicat-o în regim propriu. Prima ediție, tiraj limitat. Titlul cărții este: Exolegacy.  Cartea va fi disponibilă și la Bookstory la prețul de 50lei. Dacă sunteți interesate însă, o găsiți la noi la prețul de 40lei. Povestea…

  • 40 % battery 

    40 % battery 

    Adjusting expectations is a safe bet. I have an old Mac book air. Top of the line when I was working at Apple. But it’s now 10 years old. It still has a usb port that I need to connect to the timeless printer. Jackie writes some of her school projects on it. It’s slow…

  • About our beginning

    About our beginning

    I picked up another book to read. Ann voskamp’s last book. She starts with her beginning. And she is honest, and veiled and poetic, but brutally honest. And it inspires me. It’s marriage week and this reading and reflection is serendipitous. We also started naive, faithful, hopeful. Innocence is priceless. What we don’t know (a…

  • On loan for a while

    On loan for a while

    In a strange political context, where children belonged to the state, and the state took over the care and education (kids still benefit from free education and health insurance till they become adults no matter their familiar circumstances) from early stages.  To gain double the workforce and educate the children according to its values, my…

  • Goodbyes


    A month and a half of family time. Sweet and real, challenging and emotional, hard and deeply beautiful. We are saying our last goodbyes. The girls have never wavered in their joy and delight of being here. Not even once. It gave me permission to feel all my emotions, and at times I wished I…

  • Reflection on Brian’s Thursday question

    Reflection on Brian’s Thursday question

    Have you ever experienced a sudden insight or experience of God’s transformative grace when you were in a dark place?If so, what aspects of God’s character did you experience? Traveling far away to honor our parentsTo spend quality time of joy and celebrationAnd not come together when it feels too late for fun or connection…