Category: War

  • Mops for Ukraine

    Mops for Ukraine

    We all arrive at the same time in the parking lot of this elegant friendly place, cluj business center. We are greeted warmly. It’s already a pleasure to be here. These mops Mother are so timely! Swiss watches with kind smiles.  There are many boxes to carry up to the top floor. The elevator is…

  • the freedom I know

    the freedom I know

    As we sit around the table, the question of faith comes up again. I love that the topic is up for discussion, and open curiosity is a healthy sign of intelligence, and a desire to learn, to know, to grow. The truth is that we love God. We follow Jesus. And our story is not…

  • Descending into the salt mine

    Descending into the salt mine

    I spent the day in a salt mine with 60 Ukrainians, and a friend, colleague and fellow MOPS mom, 120 m deep underground, while above there was thunder, lightning and hail, as recorded by Conrad.  It was the day after Easter. A descent into the tomb, breathing salty cool air. While climbing down hundreds of…

  • What does it take?

    What does it take?

    It takes a first step. A step into the light. A step into faith. Breaking bread. Olive oil. Healing through stories. Slowly. Tears streakA slow river in the desert Though it bursts forth Day in and day outIt dissipates Absorbed by the thirsty land of hurt. Bearing witness Is all we can do.Our faith is unusual But nothing else feels as real,Strong and soothing As the unassuming…

  • Love your neighbor

    Love your neighbor

    It was brought to my attention that we have never had good relationships with out Ukrainian neighbors. Land was disputed. Nationalism was inherited from generation to generation. We rarely visited each other. My parents took a trip to Ukraine when I was my daughters age, and I got lost there, just for 30 minute, enough…

  • Burnout




    God commanded us to rest. He didn’t suggest we rest on the 7th day. He told us to do so, and He himself did it. Jesus, despite the never ending needs and sorrow, the crowds that swarmed him, he still pulled away in the dessert, in the mountain, in a boat, he sought time with…