Prayer and people

How can a simple get together shift my perspective so much. 

We were 6 adults and 6 kids on a very generous back yard lawn. A few cats, a dog and toys. There was pizza and there were caveats of silence. All of us weigh our thoughts and words, our questions and curiosities. We find it is a privilege to have someone listen to us, as much as to have someone share their heart. 

We got home at 10 pm. The latest we’ve put our kids to bed, because after rolling in the grass, both girls wanted to take a bath. Then Daddy read them a story and I took the evening off from bedtime duty. It is a first. They were tired and it is good for them to know it’s ok to not have me in the room as they fall asleep. I am frankly tired of the process of quieting them down. It’s only been three weeks of putting to bed two girls at the same time.

There was peace though. They met our little Evelyn. She asked six times where we were going as we were getting ready to leave. I had prepared her in advance but the answer didn’t seem to stick. Later on I realized it must be nerve-racking and scary to visit strangers. She is all settled at home, but I sense the uneasiness of new people as it is perceived as danger deep down. 

Evelyn did great though. The big lawn was inviting, and filled with toys. And she came regularly to be held for a while and kissed and snuggled and then went right back out to play. She was the most delightful kid there, even though all 6 kids are pretty good all evening. Polite and smart and funny. 

We shared about where we are and how God answered our last prayer requests. It’s great to have people remember your special life circumstances and pray for you. 

“If you love only the people that love you, what other reward do you expect?” To paraphrase a bible verse. We turn to prayer out of desperation and as a last resort in many stressful situations. I realized after talking to many certified-to-adopt parents that, as we felt misjudged or discouraged my the people representing the system, we freed ourselves and overcame the challenge by praying for each individually. As I hear unrelated stories, I conclude that a lot of prayer has been poured into the system. And it filled my heart. To know that Godly people, instead of complaining or bickering, they turn to prayer and it changes everything. Our demeanor, their reaction, the outcome. In the light of a book I read, I sense a bringing of ourselves into the present, to be free, and light. Prayer does that. And we end up loving our enemies, or strangers or simply loving… 

We live strange times. 
And we fumble 
We grip in the dark. 
A lifeline. 
We try to reflect our souls into another, 
but we are too far away. 
Too distant. 
Wearing masks. 

As we retuned from a feast of peace
Of kindness
Of prayer
We realize we are more patient
with our kids
With ourselves
We are happy
Seen heard loved

I wish this blessing on the world.