Studying Jacob’s life this last week, we first looked at the father perspective. The next day, we studied then introspected about our own mothers.
We were asked with clever insight, to name the first three words that describe our dad, or mom, and three words that describe our relationship with them. These words were our points of reference, making it easy to look into our own past. And maybe write a poem, or a letter. Here is mine off the cuff.
I will not embarrass you with compliments
Though the gift of words, the seed of eloquence, I got from you.
My teenage years
I thought I resemble mostly my dad.
Quiet, introvert.
But then your spirit emerged through me
Your passion and faith
Your optimism
Your clarity of mind
Your impulsivity.
Your poise and confidence
Your laughter.
Your humility and
The embrace of imperfection
You have freed me of guilt
You’ve put yourself second
In my journey to choose my way in life
You said I’m just a gift, on loan to you from God.
It’s like once you knew I love God
You threw a party and let me fly the emotional nest
Before I even became an adult.
At times, your extreme gifted freedom
Felt irresponsible
What if I made bad choices?
But I didn’t. Because you transferred your power over me to God. You showed Him to me, and pointed out his ways. You created contexts for me to fall in love with God. And you took your hands off me.
How did you know? Were those just circumstances? Did you walk your own maze of life at candlelight? Guided by the Spirit?
You don’t like to define life. You live it fruitfully. Intuitively. Truthfully.
I love your independence of me. Your heart feels with me but your happiness is in the Lord. What gift of freedom that is!