Visiting Family

For many reasons, I felt no draw to travel to America the past two years. The logistics, the pandemic, the cost, the physical and mental exhaustion, managing emotions and luggage… We put off even thinking about it.

Two years have gone by. Lots has happened meanwhile. Even throughout a lockdown and living lightly. We adopted another daughter. We bought a house. We survived cancer.

When it was me living far away from family, Conrad has encouraged and supported me to go see my parents. I have tried to do the same, as it’s more realistic to buy a transatlantic ticket than four. But he sees no point in traveling without us. He believes his family would want to see me and the girls more than him. He is goofy. But I do see his point. I would have given him my blessing to go with just Ivy, so the whole family could meet her. But there is no joy in only half of us traveling.

Again, moved clearly by the Spirit, all of a sudden I felt it’s time. To decide to go see family, to book our flights. It is a financial stretch. We have spent a lot of money this year with the house. Many projects we are involved in, pay little to no money. Yet God has been so faithful and we have never be left wanting for anything. We live simple lives and we are grateful. We eat healthy, we have nice warm clothes, our bills are paid on time.

In the grand scheme of things, family matters. Conrad seeing his parents and sisters after his recent surgery, ivy meeting her daddy’s side of family, and frankly, seeing mom and dad is a blessing even for me. They are faithful sojourners towards heaven. And they have blessed me in so many ways. I love my sisters with joy and gratitude and with old wisdom of having lived a little. I have entered Conrad’s family 15 years ago and I have felt completely loved and accepted.

So there. We are flying to America for Christmas. May God lead the way as He called us out to follow Him.