Please pray for our safety.
For a couple of days I have reached my last resort, God – as ultimate authority and power. I wish I had the wisdom to reach out to Him with the same passion as I feel now, when I see it is only getting worse. My family has received some terrorizing threats upon our return from Budapest. It is like a bullying situation in a lawless land.
I pray for His hand to protect us, and deflect all evil.
There is gossip, a lot of misunderstandings, old issues that didn’t even concern us directly, right here, among the neighbors. And the proximity of it all makes me feel vulnerable. It is hard for me to comprehend how we even ended up in this mess, but the Book of Esther seems to describe some extreme scenarios. I pray that God will give me strength and wisdom to be like Esther. But until then, we pray unceasingly.
Just after I wrote this I listened to a pbcc sermon – next on my podcast was Brian’s “the fruit of rejection” and it was spot on. Reassuring in the midst of the storm.