Despite all this flexible time, do you feel spread thin?

We nearly found a rhythm. Some even made the very best of this sheltering in place. Check out this perspective

I spend more than an hour (sometimes three) every day coordinating Jackie’s online school activity. Printing materials, checking her work, scanning, uploading it online, recording videos of Jackie reading books or reciting poems I help her memorize. Tomorrow she has there hours of online schooling with three different teachers. That should be interesting. One more month of this different schedule. The summer vacation commences in earnest, however that will look like.

I take a international Lemudim class on Thursday evenings. And I have to put time aside to read and meditate. At the end of this post I will share this week’s poem inspired by the Isaiah class.

I video chat with Ivy every day. Occasionally I video call with my old girlfriends. Weekly I follow the ARFO webinars, we co-host webinars through In between I do research and prepare materials for

Life is so busy, it’s rather incredible. Yet my mind finally relaxed, and I can look to the future. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe Ivy picks up on our optimism but she took another positive turn in connecting with us. We reached a new level. Every so surprising and delightful. Probably she can also communicate better than she did three months ago. But there is progress, however limited to online.

I never hoped to go back to how thins were. Ever so aggravating traffic, consumerism, stress. For years we’ve been preparing for a new life, and we fit in just right, in the simpler lifestyle. I’m only slightly nervous about the tension accumulated in the girls’ body due to this anticipation of finally adopting. They seem full of exuberance, of expressive words, of sounds and songs, and their feet ache for running and biking and jumping and climbing. I brace myself for noise. We try to make plans of staying calm and collected, persevering in reason, when we’ll have two loud girls in the house – something we anticipate with excitement and fear. Let the adventure begin!

Our faith is in the Lord, and it comes a time when we believe (in) Him wholeheartedly despite the apparent circumstances. He does not discard our youth and brokenness. We are His chosen ones. There is complete joy in His presence, in knowing Him, despite not knowing the future. (Isaiah 41:20->41:9)

My poem of HOPW below. —

Hope is in the air
Like a fragrant breeze 
Braided with morning light 

The evil has been called to justice 
Put on stand
Asked to defend itself
But it fell silent 
Shamed and empty.

God, our Father,
Who spread the sky 
Like blue silk 
Who breathes life Into His creation,
He is merciful and patient 
His love for his children 
Never grows weary. 

He patiently waits for us
To catch up on our walks
Distracted by little bugs and leafs

The comforts of this world are details 
While His hand hold ours
His love protects our heart
He brings freedom
He bestows clear sight 
He is light and we dwell in it. 
At peace.
We rest in Him.
And Justice reigns.