Bossa Nova & Banana Muffins

I love this process of becoming a father. It seems a bit unorthodox, or rather, jumping into the deep end of a pool you can’t see the bottom of… in winter, but I love it anyway. Every day I learn something new about my daughter. Yesterday, she ate three of the banana muffins I baked and danced to Bossa Nova with Mommy.

We took another small step toward bringing her home as well by taking her to a family doctor in the center and doing a broad checkup for her paperwork. Monday, the full sheaf of medical paperwork will be compiled and then handed over to us just prior to signing the paperwork to hand custody of Jaclyn over to us. In all likelihood, she will be living with us beginning Tuesday, which is All Saints Day (making “adoption day” easy to remember).

Today we drive again to the foster family to pick her up and play with her for a day of no appointments or obligations. How fun it is to be able to see her face when we arrive; I can’t wait to see it every morning.