
Keeping up with each other’s social media really blurred the line of time and space separating us.

It’s good to be able to come and reconnect with family here. So many have moved away that after two years it wasn’t a guarantee that we would have this familiar house to come back to. It’s a home base and a gift that is pure grace.

We have been pretty honest with our struggles via the blog. There is very little I held back of our hardship as I processed it all. It is really a way to unload and let go. And this is the area where I find exceeding privacy to be borderline harmful. Confiding in a friend, a souse, a therapist, a mentor …it’s healthy.

Anyhow, being far and all and now getting closer to the perfect world we realize it’s hardship, some subtitle, some monotonous, some downright crushing. Heaven is not on this side …but on the other side. We fool ourselves if we try to make heaven here. Sure we pursue happiness and fulfillment, but understanding that the ultimate completion and perfection is in God will save us a lot of drama.

We embraced life here these past ten days to its full spectrum, complex to the degree we could, including church, family, work, living situation. And it’s awakening. A reality check. I’m so glad we didn’t travel with high or low expectations. We just came. And it good. And it will be good when we go home, where home is for now.

We are thankful. We are grateful. We are tired and at peace.

Three years ago this holiday was our farewell celebration with Family before moving overseas. #3years