Talent (measurement)

The talent (Ancient Greek: τάλαντον, talanton, Latin talentum) was a unit of weight used in the ancient world, often used for weighing gold and silver, but also mentioned in connection with other metals, ivory, and frankincense.

One evening I was re-telling the girls, the Bible story with the talents. They asked me what fructifying means, putting to good use, enhancing, growing, using one’s talents. Then we talked about their gifts and talents and how useless their natural gifts would be if they only relied on natural talent and not worked on improving, not practicing their gifts. Reading, playing music, learning about different topics, there is always room ro grow and satisfaction through the process. In the Bible story, the servant who was afraid and hurried his talent and gave it back to the master just as he got it, he was called wicked.

After my daily conversation with the girls, either at bed time, or in the car as we drive to and from school, I share with my husband my conclusions, or the aha moments. We marvel together at our daughters’ hunger to learn and grow and their insights and good questions.

Then conrad turns to me and says: “your talent is being a mom.” I know my worth, my identity and my gifts but hearing him say it as a matter of fact, was music to my ears. Recognition or acknowledgement by the people we love, who see us in our lane, day in and day out, on the good days and the hard days… This is a season. A specific season where I use everything I got. Past experiences, book knowledge, courage and clarity, right now I apply in motherhood, either through my adoption group DorDeAcasa, through MomCo, ROM, Polylogos, and simply being at home and cooking and cleaning and driving and getting involved in the school events. I have no idea what I’ll be doing in 10 years but I’m eager for the journey.