Tag: family
In general it’s not helpful to generalize. Pun intended. I misspoke today. I generalized. And as the words left my mouth, I knew it, saw it like a slow motion train wreck, but couldn’t redress. There are a slew of proverbs related to loose lips. He who talks lot, it’s impossible to not make mistakes.…
Despre înțelepciunea maternă
Bunica avea o vorbă: daca nu îți cauți tu de lucru, îți dă dracu’ de furcă.
Humble beginnings, low expectations
We were recently married and it dawned on me that any moment now, we could make a baby. Up until then I hadn’t given it much thought, as we weren’t sexually active before marriage, so the prospect was moot.
That first year
I had mentioned before that I lost a lot of weight in those first months of parenting. Looking back I realize how hard it was. But we didn’t know it then. It was also wonderful. And the wonder and joy was all that we could see.
Holidays and Family
Daddy took over the “putting to bed” duties. Because he is so good at it, with his soothing voice, reassurance, weird new songs.