The second part of our trip.
When we travel we pack light, plan to explore everywhere on foot, we are flexible, adventurous and have no expectation. We have walked every day at least 10 miles. Traveling in this part of the world, we did not have the same lifetime thirst that you may have expected. We stop to look the locals in the eyes, smile, exchange names and greetings; I like to linger more in the old dusty ruins, take in the view, walk through cemeteries, avoid the touristy markets…
It is my personal journey in the psalms land.
I also realized how little I know about this land and its struggles over the last sixty years. I realized how ignorant we can be in how we think, in what we say. It’s humbling. Self awareness is not cheap.
On that note, we have a few more days to explore the north side of this fascinating world, together with @altmannhaus and @liviubocaniala