We feel your prayers. Like a warm blanket on a cold night. We feel at peace, grounded, cheerful, complete, calm, collected, happy.
We brought Ivy home today, and I kept a purposefully watchful eye, for her particular needs, tendencies, challenges, and thought about how we could and would meet them.
Ivy longed for us, because we delayed our visit by one day. She had gotten used to us coming every other day to pick her up. The down side? When Jackie got home from school and realized that Ivy wasn’t there, she cried.
When Ivy is with us, she fits like a glove, as if she’s always been here. She behaves, she is attentive, funny, confident, careful.
Jackie and Ivy test each other with endless energy. They push and they pull. And most importantly, they don’t get tired of it. I do. I’m sure they are building trust and they test their own limits. I just wish I didn’t have a part in it. No such luck for the mother, though.
Evelyn makes the saddest face when she tries to get out of doing something, and cries a soundless cry… which unnerves me. But as she tried to use it to get out of a nap, I put my foot down and used my motherly wisdom to not give in. Both girls took naps today, and it was good. Good for us in the moment. Good for them the rest of the evening.
I’m thinking to establish her faith in us, that we would listen to words, instead of her whine, and that would keep all our moods above water.
A trip to the dentist is in order. Soon. Every day she complains her tooth aches. It’s due to her eating habit, small portions often, and sugary cereal… these are points of concern, to address as we establish a new routine slowly.
Other than that, I have no opinion. I feel blessed beyond words, that this lovely child, a fighter, resilient yet delicate, strong yet so hungry for commitment and love, she is in the process of becoming my daughter. I see an incredible future ahead of her. Brilliant, with a keen emotional intelligence, as well as intellectual. Beautiful inside and out, with a unique story, that only gives her depth. I pray we have the wisdom to guide her well.
And praying tonight with Jackie, feeling her spirit relishing in my words, words of truth, of love and light, authentic and humble, freeing, I believe the purest gift I can give these two girls is our prayer time together every night. They soak it up, and in their innocence, they give me courage and hope and clarity. God gifted me the generous gift of motherhood, being a mother to two special souls, highlighting the perfect age for me to pour out my love and faith into. May God strengthen them and us for His glory.