Aspects of adoption

“Without the theological aspect, the emphasis on adoption too easily is seen as mere charity. Without the missional aspect, the doctrine of adoption is too easily seen as mere metaphor.” Russell Moore

Adoption is spiritual war. When we lift our eyes from our selfish selves, and we move out of our immediate needs, we learn more about God, and His heart for us. Then we are so surprised by how beautiful and freeing and all engulfing this love is. I suddenly feel more brave, or that everything is possible. In a world of despair and disappointment, this true and deep feeling is a golden treasure. As someone said, when we adopt, we don’t rescue a child. We are instead the ones who are rescued. 

This two-year delay. This wait has been crushing. Just because it is not just me who waits. I wonder of the longterm side effects of this lost time on my youngest child. I also ache for my eldest’s longing to meet her sister. I get easily furious at the perceived disinterest or lack of motivation of the people of authority on the matter, to do right by these voiceless and vulnerable children.

I picked up a book I read two years before adopting, called “Adopted for life”. Then I read it again two years after adopting my first daughter. But as I picked it up a third time, two year into waiting for our youngest daughter, it become clear to me: this is spiritual war.

On a bright note, we just join Christ who is The One advocating for the helpless and the abandoned. It’s His battle first and foremost. He leads the way. And we follow His lead.